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1-14-12 WOD

Clean & Jerk

HH C + J

3 x 1

Clean & Jerk off box

4x 2 @ 60%


100% + 10lb x 3

Met Con

2 Person Team

Each person will do a ladder of each movement. ?For example partner 1 does 1 rep of wall ball, partner 2 does 1 rep of wall ball, partner 1 does 2 reps wall ball, partner 2 does 2 reps of wall ball etc. until time is up.

Wall Balls

AMRAP 8 minutes

Pull Ups

AMRAP 8 minutes

Do each movement for as many reps as possible during the time allotted. ?The score is the total number of reps.

Wall Ball Shots from Again Faster on Vimeo.