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11-18-20…11 Years…

With all the craziness going on, sometimes it’s important to stand back and look at the last few years.  We have been nose to the grindstone so much that we forgot to mention that this is our 11th year anniversary of being open.

We technically opened in April of 2009, when we started in a 800 square foot garage. In 3 months we had 30 people and had to make a gamble and a jump to a bigger space. That’s when I signed the lease for the space we were in for 10 years.  We moved into there in November, so that’s when I considered us a ‘real’ business.  That’s why we celebrate our anniversary this month.

11 years have had some crazy ups and downs, but none quite like this past year.  With Covid the gym industry has nearly 5x the closure rate of restaurants and 1/3 higher than bars and night clubs.  1 in 4 gyms right now are facing bankruptcy which will go much higher if there are more closures. The numbers are predicting that one quarter of the 40,000 fitness studios in the US could close by the end of 2020.  It’s been a tough industry for sure, and I’m super proud to have made it 11 years so far.  I realize that I’m painting a dismal picture, and it is scary, but we aren’t closing our doors right now, so don’t fret just yet. That being said there is something you can do….

Check out this website, and write your congressman. Ask them not to close us down. We are striving to keep things clean and the numbers are showing that gyms are relatively safe with regards to covid, and the safety goes up the smaller and controlled the gym environment is.  

2020 has been one for the ages, and as we go into this holiday season, we continue to look for things to celebrate and that we are grateful for. I am grateful for the amazing people we have in our program, and I’m grateful for the 11 years that we’ve had to serve so far this year.

Love you guys, thank you from the bottom of our heart for this amazing ride so far.

full family smiling