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186 Thousand?..

By Justin Emmons

What is that number referring to?  

The number of people being serviced by the MidSouth Foodbank.  That is how many people go hungry in our area.  Have you ever been hungry?  Have you ever gone without food?  Not for a 16 hour fast, but for days.  Maybe you have.   Maybe you know what it’s like.  I know I haven’t.  In that respect, I’ve been blessed.  I have never worried about where my next meal comes from.  My mother is a different story.  As a child she had lunch meat on the first of the month, after that, she subsisted off of mayo and onion sandwiches.  

Hunger is a problem.  It’s a problem in America, and it’s a problem right here in our back yard.  We are hoping to do something about it.  CFB has teamed up with gyms around the country.  We are doing a drive called Fitness Starts With Food.  Our goal is to raise 1 million pounds of food nationwide.  All of the food will benefit local organizations.  For us, that’s the mid south food bank.  We will have a big event this Saturday with a workout open to the public.  Cost to participate: 1 pound of food.  Bring your can goods (Only things that you would be proud to eat and are healthy.  No hamburger helper here!)  Tuna, salmon, vegetables all welcome!  Come join us, and invite your friends.  Let’s help those that are less fortunate then us.  We can do something about the hunger in our back yards.  We need your help!


11-18-13 WOD


To be discussed in class

Met Con:

Mountain Climbers x 5 each leg 

20 second rest 

Box Jumps x 5 

20 second rest 

12 rounds for time