This week has a couple of events that we wanted to let you know about:
Tuesday 9-24-13
This is the last day to sign up for bootcamp. If you know anyone interested in joining our Bootcamp Program, please spread the word. It’s a great program and people are loving it.
Friday-Saturday 9-27th-28th-2013
Bartlett Fall Festival
This event is put on by the city of Bartlett. It’ll be in Freeman Park (across from the gym). We will have a booth out there, so you should come by and see us, and hang out. It’ll be lots of fun. The festival is a great time every year, and features businesses in the area as well as all kinds of booths and live entertainment.
Saturday 9-28-13
CFB’s Monthly Social Event
We are headed to Skyzone. It’s a trampoline place. If you want to go, you must register beforehand since we have to prepay for you. KIDS WELCOME!
Date: Saturday 9-28-13
Time: 2:30-4:30
Address: 5355 Distriplex Farms Dr #102, Memphis, TN
Cost: $16 PER PERSON
Have a great week!
9-23-13 WOD
To Be Discussed in Class
Met Con:
50m run
Mountain Climbers x 5 each leg
Lunges x 5 each leg
AMRAP 12 minutes
Warning: Video good, music bad. It’s better to watch this one on mute.