Originally Posted: 8-24-16
1 is greater than 0…..
What does that mean?
It means that doing 1 thing is greater then doing nothing.
Many people get wrapped up in and overwhelmed trying to look at the big picture. In reality it’s the little thinks that make so much difference.
In our setting, showing up can be that. Showing up is greater then not showing up. If you show up you’re going to accomplish something and that something is much greater than doing nothing.
Trying 5lbs heavier on the weight. Those 5lbs are much greater than not trying, even if you fail. 1 > 0.
Even if you can’t show up to the gym one day, do something. 1 > 0.
We get so caught up in the fancy, we want to accomplish so much, that we end up not doing anything.
Even if you’re the last person to finish a workout, 1 > 0.
Where can this apply in your life?
Deadlift, while resting complete sets of auxiliary work
Box Jump
For time