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1000 People a Day?.

Did you know that Memphis is top 5 fattest cities in the US?  We were number 1 and I think we may have dropped to # 2 but it doesn’t matter?. top 5 is not something to be proud of.

Our vision at CFB is to be positively affecting 1000 people a day.  We believe that if 1000 people a day are hearing our message, than we can ultimately through their circles reach 10,000 people a day.  By doing that, we  believe we can have a positive affect on this city.  We believe that we can change Memphis into a healthy city.  Imagine the difference that will make in the lives of it’s citizens.  How nice would it be if we had bike lanes every where.  If we had healthy restaurant options.  The possibilities are endless.  

We CAN’T do this alone.  We need your help.  We need you to bring your friends to CFB’s programs.  One of the major programs that we are gearing up to start is our World’s Best Boot Camp- Memphis.  Enlistment day is Feb. 22nd!

We have partnered with our friends around the country in order to launch this brand.  It’s designed for the people who think that you are crazy for doing CrossFit.  They think their is no way they could ever do a program like that.  They think they need to get into shape before starting CrossFit.  They want to make some changes but don’t know where to get started.  They want to workout but don’t know how.  It’s designed for the other 99% of Memphis.  By spreading the word on this program, you are helping us literally change lives.

Let me tell you a short story about one of our clients?.

When she started working with us, she had MS.  She walked with a cane and had to park in handicap spots.  She had season tickets to the Grizzlies but never went because she couldn’t go up and down the stairs.

After several months of training with us, she was picking up her body weight off the ground.  I remember her crying telling me how excited that she was for running a 5K.  Oh yeah do you remember the Grizzlie tickets?  She went to every game the season of their recent play off run.

That’s the type of stories that can change a city.  We need your help.  Spread the word and get people into the World’s Best Boot Camp or our CrossFit Bartlett program, and we can change the world we live in.



To be discussed in class

Met Con:

Forward rolls x 3

 Box Jumps x 10

 AMRAP 10 minutes