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11-14-12 WOD

Warm Up:

Double Unders x 50 or Singles x 200

OHS against a wall x 20

Squat hip/ groin stretch with hips against the wall

Ring dips 4-8-12-8-4

Ring Rows 4-8-12-8-4


T Spine with peanut lax ball work



1 x 5+

1 x 20


2 x 6 ,1 x 6+

Met Con:

Level 3 / Level 2

Hang Power Snatch x 5 @ 60% of 1RM Snatch

Pull ups x 7

Double Unders x 20

30s rest

5 rounds for time

Level 1/ Beginner

Hang Power Snatch x 5

Pull ups x 7

Singles x 100

30s rest

5 rounds for time