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12-13-16… Sharing Community….

One of our goals at CFB is for our place to provide community for you. We want CFB to be your third place, the place outside of work and home where you love to go.

One of the things you can do help build that community and family feel is to bring your friends and family here.  This week is your perfect opportunity….

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow is our Bring a Friend Event.  Bring your friends, loved ones, neighbors, enemies anyone and everyone you know.  Let’s show them how much you your gym.  One of the biggest compliments you could give us, is to bring your friends.  If you love what we do, invite them to come with you.  Let’s pack the house!

Hope to see you there!



Levels Testing



50-40- 30-20- 10

Sit ups

Double Unders


50-40- 20-20- 10

Sit Ups

250-200- 150-100- 50


For time

Rest 5 minutes


Double Unders x 100

Singles x 500

Sit ups x 100

For time