If you love what we do, one of the biggest compliments you could give us is sharing your experience with your friends, and what better way to do that then with our Bring a Friend Event. This is 3 days where you can bring your friends in and show them just how awesome you really are. We want to share the love this holiday season and we want to pack the house with your friends.
Whether you realize it or not, people are watching you, and they’re envious of what you’re doing. They think they can’t do it. They think it’s too hard. This is your chance to show them that they can do it. You can be the catalyst for life change in someone else. What an awesome opportunity it is for you to change someone’s life just by sharing something that you love.
So invite your friends, invite your co workers, invite your enemies, let’s show them a great time, and bring them this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
See you there!
PR Testing:
OHS or Make Up Lift
400m run
KB Swings x 21
Pull ups x 12
3 rounds for time