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3-22-17… Prioritize and Execute…

One of my favorite books right now is called Extreme Ownership, by Jocko Willink and Lief Baben. In the book the two teach leadership with stories from the battlefield in Iraq.  They commanded Navy SEAL units in Iraq.  They now do business leadership consulting, so the book parallels battlefield examples with business examples. 

One of the principles in the book is the idea of Prioritize and Execute.

In the battlefield as well as in business, there are a million variables coming at you all at one time.  In order to accomplish your mission you must prioritize what’s most important and then execute on that priority until it’s done or has momentum so that you can progress to the next priority.

In the exercise world, I had a very similar conversation via Facebook friends when she (a gym owner) asked what we considered the most important aspects of fitness to get people results.

My answer was very simple…. consistency.

Then if you had to put a number two and three possibly interchangeably, intensity and nutrition.

So by the standards of the Prioritize and Execute model, THE most important thing in my opinion you can do for your fitness is be consistent.

When you can make that a priority and execute to where that happens all the time, many of the things you desire with your fitness will fall into place.

Once you’re executing on the consistency aspect, then focus on raising your intensity and dialing in your nutrition.  That will lead to the most success.

Our new Amazing 12 Program takes all those things into consideration.  

With our Amazing 12 program here’s what you’ll get:

– 5 Semi private training sessions per week. This is 60, 75-90min coached sessions in 12 weeks

This allows for us to be hyper focused 5 days a week on consistency and progress in the program.

– The group will be no larger than 4 people in a class, so it’s very hands on

This will allow for a coach to be able to focus on the individual more in order to achieve maximal progress in the shortest amount of time.

– The Amazing 12 Training system which is adjusted for any fitness level and has transformed thousands of people all over the world

It’s a proven system that has worked for thousands around the world.  It is literally the most effective 12 week physique changing program in the world.

– The Amazing 12 Four Phase Nutrition System that shows you how to manipulate your food intake to lose fat and keep it off for good.

By focusing on the nutrition paired specifically with the training we can optimize the results for both and get the fastest results possible.

– A private Facebook group where you’ll have dedicated coaching to motivate and support you

Just like everything we do, we will be able to provide you direct feedback and coaching via this program.

– Home work to do on your own that will accelerate your fat loss program

The homework is work designed to pair with the rest of the program and it creates a very specific response relative to your body type.

– A professional photo shoot for before and afters

This is an awesome feature which will give you amazing photos to have for the rest of your life.  There’s also options to do bonus shoots as well with our photographer.

– A technique week, to evaluate current fitness status and teach you new moves, so technically it’s 13 weeks for the price of 12

By giving you this extra week focused specifically on technique we can figure out exactly where you need to be so we hit the ground running on day 1.  We also teach nutrition the whole time in order to create the best outcomes possible for you.

– Guaranteed results

This program will get you the results you want in the fastest amount of time (12 weeks).  We’ve been doing it for 5 weeks now and it’s the real deal.  I’ve seen increases in my strength, stamina, performance and muscle.   As well as, decreases in my body fat.  It’s the real deal.

If you know someone interested, we have 3 spots available at 10AM the rest of the spots sold out very quickly.  

Talk to Krystal if you want to get in on this round!

Here are some results from around the world on A12:




Max Testing:

Back Squat


DB Thrusters x 21

Pull Ups x 9

400m run

Thrusters x 15

Pull Ups x 15

400m run

Thrusters x 9

Pull Ups x 21

400m run