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4 years….

This past weekend on May 3rd was my daughter’s birthday.  She turned 4 years old.  Holy cow, ‘they’ weren’t kidding when they said time flies.  My mind is literally blown thinking about all that has happened in those 4 years both with my family and as a business at CFB.

When I quit my full time job to go full time at CFB my daughter was just a few weeks old.  Yep you heard that right, I quit my full time job to chase my passion and my dream and run my own business into the unknown with a brand new baby girl in my arms.

To say that I was afraid and nervous would be an understatement.  I was scared shit-less.  When we made the calculations we were like, ‘well it’s going to be a $50,000 pay cut up front, if we need to we can sell the car, and cut the cable tv, yadayada.’  Yep we were there… but I had a dream.

Some people would say that was selfish.  For me, I couldn’t see it any other way.  With my job I was looking at going to work every day at 2PM and working until 10ish or later.  My wife teaches elementary school.  I would never see her.  I had a new baby on the way, but I traveled alot of weekends.  Something inside of me told me that I could do it, AND more than that, I was passionate about what I was doing.

For awhile I thought I could do both jobs, but my current boss said something that was really insightful to me….

I was pissed at the time, but looking back it was some of the best advice anyone ever gave me.  He said, ‘I’m paying you a full time salary for you to be here full time and you’re not, you’re divided attention between here and your gym. Likewise, your clients are paying you to be full time at the gym and you’re not fully engaged there either because you have to be here.’  In essence I was serving two masters and not doing a good job at both, so I took the leap.  I think the do or die was what made it successful, and although we’ve been through ups and downs, I’m excited to say that things are doing well.

I love my business, I love my job, I love my family, I love my staff, and I love that we change lives on the daily. Thank you guys for allowing me to do do what I do, and thanks Layla for being an awesome kid for the 4 years you’ve been here.

5-5-13 WOD


Front Squat

2 x 5; 1 x 5+

Met Con:


Push Ups x 5 (for the month of May)

Sit Ups x 3 (the day she was born)

OH Lunges x 10 each leg (for the year she was born)

Box Jumps x 35 (the # of times Shannon pushed during delivery)

All while holding a 10lb plate

3 rounds for time