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5-31-21… I’m Back!!!

It’s been a minute. We actually changed website companies, and migrated our entire site over etc, so it’s taken some time to get things set up where I could blog again, but I plan on being back 5 days a week again! I’m so excited to be back.

Today is Memorial Day. It’s a little weird saying Happy Memorial Day since the point of the day is to honor the men and women who died fighting for our country and our freedom.

I do believe in my heart one of the best ways we can honor them is to acknowledge the sacrifice, and enjoy our lives honoring and respecting our freedoms, so I do hope that you have a fantastic day, and kick off the summer right, but always remember there are many who have fought and died for our freedom!

In honor of memorial day we always do a workout called Murph. It’s to honor Michael Murphy a Navy SEAL who was killed in action in Afghanistan. Among many awards he has earned the Medal of Honor for sacrificing his life to save others. You can read more about him here:

The workout is tough and we do it to honor those that can no longer do hard things on this earth because they gave their all so we can.

Have a great Memorial Day!