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5 Words and Hash Tags

I’ve been trying to use Twitter more and more lately.  It’s actually quite fascinating.  Being able to fit everything you need to say within 140 characters (including periods, spaces etc) seems an extremely daunting task.  Those that know me, know how long winded I can get.  Recently I discovered this hash tag that I think is just outstanding.  For those of you that don’t get on the Twitter thingy, if you put a hash tag on something you can basically start a thread on that subject.  For example we run a #upgraded (we aren’t the only ones who use this one), #cfitbartlett, #cfbbootcamp threads on Twitter.  If we want to talk about any of these subjects that’s what we put in.  Anyway, TED is a company that puts on amazing conferences about all different types of subjects and most of them are free online.  You can check them out here .  They are also running a hash tag for 5 words.  These people are taking extremely well written messages and pairing them down from 140 characters to 5 words!  That, to me, is amazing.  Now the point of all of this talking is to highlight one #fivewordTedtalk .  How much can you say in just 5 words?  Try this on for size…

‘See something wrong?  Do something!’

-Bob McInnis

Let that sink in, apply it to your life today and see how awesome your day can be!

3-18-13 WOD


Back Squat 

2 x 5; 1 x 5+ 


2 x 5; 1 x 5+    

Met Con:

Level 3

Double Unders x 50 (if you can’t do 30-50 unbroken do Level 2 workout)

Kettlebell Swings x 20

Pull ups x 20

3 rounds for time

Level 2

20 Double Unders / 200 Singles

Kettlebell Swings x 20

Pull ups x 20

3 rounds for time

Level 1/ Beginner

Singles x 150

Kettlebell Swings x 20 / Kettlebell Deadlifts x 20

Pull ups x 20

3 rounds for time