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5K AND You’re Invited….

Friday May 16th, 2014 at 6PM CFB will be participating in a 5K run called Running of the Rams.

We had a couple of the students of this school in our kids program, so we decided to sponsor the event.  Our goal is to get a great showing of support from CFB and to have some fun doing it….

Don’t worry if you think you can’t run a 5K you can walk as much as you like.  It’s going to be a lot of fun, and we’ll probably plan to go get some food afterward if you want to hang out.

Pre Registration is $20 before May 3rd…. $25 after that date

Children (under 17) $15 / $20

We at CFB feel it’s important to support community events in Bartlett especially if it has to do with someone directly involved in our program.

The race will be held at: 

Oak Elementary School

3573 Oak Road

Bartlett, TN 

Go to this website for more details:  Click here!

You in?

4-17-2014 WOD


Front Squat

Met Con:

Deadlift x 15

Double Unders x 30 or Singles x 100

4 rounds for time