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7-31-17… All You Can Do…

All you can do is all you can do, and that’s enough.  This is our belief all the time.  It’s the real key to success.  Did you do your best?  You can’t give more than your best.  It’s really all we can ask for and it’s all we can really ask of ourselves.  

Here’s the key though….

Is what you did really all you can do?  Did you really give it all you got?  Did you leave everything on the floor?  Did you fight for the last 10%? Did you dial in your nutrition?  Did you sleep well?  Did you come to class at least 3 times a week.

We spend a lot of time saying, ‘well I tried.’ But did you really?  Did you really give it all you got?  There’s no such thing as try it’s just do or do not.

When we say I will try it’s instantly our out.  Let’s not try, let’s make a commitment.  Let’s do this thing!  Let’s give it all we can do, and that truly will be enough!




Bench Press, while resting complete sets of auxiliary movements


Wall Balls x 25

400m Run

3 Rounds for Time