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75 Meals, What Can You Do This Month?

We’ve been participating in Sweat Angels now for several months.  I just wanted to give you an update about some cool things that you made possible…

Last month, the charity that your Facebook check ins benefited were meals for veterans in need.  Well CFB managed to raise enough money for 75 meals!  75 veterans were able to eat a meal thanks to CFB and the money we donated to the charity so that’s pretty cool!

This month for every 3 Facebook checkins we get it buys a brick to build a new school!  We had 149 check ins last month, but we have over 130 people in our program and I know you guys are working out more then 1 time a month, SO…..

I’m giving you a challenge, I want us to hit at least twice as many check ins as we did last month.  We need to hit at least 300, that will buy a 100 bricks to build schools for kids in need.

Let’s get it done guys, walk in, open up your Facebook app on your phone and check in to CrossFit Bartlett.  Every time you do it, you’re helping build a school.  Let’s do something great this month!

August Sweat Angel Charity

8-4-14 WOD


Snatch Wave

Met Con:

CFB Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds

1 minute each station

Wall Ball (20/14)

Power Clean (75/45)

Box Jump (24/20)

Push Press (75/45)

Row for calories


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