I just got done doing the ‘Cindy’ workout.
The chips on on the messy side is the rounds that I completed.
The chips on the right side is the number of rounds I expected to complete and didn’t today….
For those that don’t know, it’s 5 pulls ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats as many rounds as possible for 20 minutes.
My personal record, at my fittest, for this workout is 23 rounds + 15 reps.
Today I got 14 rounds + 5 reps.
I was over 9 rounds off of my personal record.
There are a million reasons or excuses that I could justify today’s performance….
I had a headache.
I’m going through a sugar detox.
My knee and back were kind of bothering me.
I did heavy back squats before hand.
I didn’t drink enough water.
I didn’t get enough sleep.
My life is stressful.
They stopped the music during my workout because a class was going on.
The list goes on and on.
Here’s what it really boils down to….
I haven’t worked out consistently in over a month.
I’ve been traveling for the last 3 weeks.
As I preach to everyone…. consistency is key, and I haven’t done that.
That’s it. That’s all there is to it. I let life and travel and laziness get in the way.
Ya know what though? I ain’t even mad. I made a decision and with each decision comes repercussions both good and bad.
One of our Core Values at CFB is Always Give Perfect Effort and that’s what I did today.
Did I PR? No.
Did I do my best today? Yes and that’s what matters.
The chips didn’t go the way I wanted them to today but it’s on me to change that.
Tomorrow is another day, and it’s time to dial it in and be consistent again.
See ya at the gym.
KB Swings x 25
400 m Run
4 rounds for time