Are you stressed out?
Trust me I know, I get stressed out all the time. I run a business. I have employees. I have bills to pay. I’m married. I have 5 children in the family.
Life is hectic.
The key is what do you do to de-stress?
It is very important to de-stress your life.
You can get amped up about something but do you make it worse? Do you dwell on it? Do you keep bringing it up over and over? How much does it eat on you?
Here are some things that I do to de-stress.
1) Work out
Studies show that training even if it’s for 5 minutes with some burpees and jump rope, it helps to de-stress you.
2) Meditate
You don’t have to be the Dalai Lama here, 5 minutes a day will help significantly with stress. Don’t have 5 minutes do 3. I take a timer and set it. Sit down in a quiet room and focus on my breathing for the entire time. If I have a thought, I acknowledge it then go back to my breathing.
3) Keep a journal
Research has shown that by taking 5 minutes each night and listing 3 things good that happened to you that day, you can increase happiness and sense of well being as well as decrease stress. It’s something easy to do and will help you out significantly.
4) Eat Healthier
When you follow good nutrition, your body responds better to stress in general and makes you feel better. Also, little things will not stress you out as much.
5) Get outside
Research has shown that just going for a 10 minute walk can help significantly with your stress and hormone levels.
6) Lie down
Researchers have discovered that lying flat on your back and closing your eyes for as little as 5 minutes will make a dramatic drop in your stress levels.