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A Few Millimeters….

Are you dialed in?  Are you doing everything you can to get results, or are you just a little off?  Where are your struggles?  If you’re struggling with something in life, you may just be a few millimeters off the mark.  Check out this video to see what a difference a few millimeters can make!


9/19/2014 WOD



Met Con:

Tabata 20s of work 10s rest of 8 intervals of the following movements:

Wall Balls

Box Jumps

Hand Release Push Ups

Sit ups

Try to go as hard as you can each round and match the first one.




9/19/14 Bells & Balls / Beginner Class



4 x 5 (adjust weight as needed)

Met Con:

Tabata 20s of work 10s rest of 8 intervals of the following movements:

Wall Balls

Box Jumps

Hand Release Push Ups

Sit ups

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