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Ancillary Work

We changed the schedule to allow for more time between classes……

Why did we do that?  So that you’d have time to practice the skills you need to practice.  We’ve been posting ancillary programming on the board every week to help you get to your goals faster.  We’ve also been putting up extra mobility work that will help you decrease your chance of injury and make you a better athlete.  If your only exposure to the movements are from two times a week at class, and you’re not mobilizing your joints, you are missing out on possible gains.  It’s important to practice for mastery or to achieve what we call virtuosity.

Your coaches are there to help you.  You’ve got time to work with them.  

Are you taking advantage?  Ask your coaches what you should be doing.



To be discussed in class

Met Con:


 DB Squat Snatch x 100 at the top of each minute do 5 burpees

 For time


 Snatch x 75 at the top of each minute do 5 burpees

For time


 Snatch x 50 at the top of each minute do 5 burpees

For time