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Announcements 10-04-11

I just wanted to take this opportunity to make a few announcements…

Athlete of the Month this month is Kerry Chaffin. Her profile will be up under the AOM tab very soon.

Our monthly challenge last month of consecutive double unders was won by Amy Stanton with 87!! Second Place was Caitlin at 78 and then Matt Moss at 70! Congrats guys!

October’s monthly movement challenge will be: Consecutive toes to bar or knees to elbows

October’s nutritional challenge is Vitamin D: lower tier is 5,000 IU supplement every day. ?The Tier 1 will be at least 1 hour out in the sunlight daily

We currently have 20 people signed up for Mike Burgener’s Olympic Weightlifting Certification, so barring anyone canceling we will have Mike himself run the cert.

To register click here!

Our own Olympic Weightlifting specialty course will start Thursday Oct. 6. ?This course is 4 weeks long with classes Thursday at 5:30 and Saturday at 11. ?This will be a technique driven class and will be taught by Justin and Chris!

To register click here!

We will be having a Halloween party toward the end of the month. ?More details to come.

Some more great pics from FGB click here to check them out!

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