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Applying Your Fitness…

Are you applying the fitness you’ve been working on?  I’m not talking about in the gym but I’m talking about in life.

Although it’s raining today while I’m writing this, it is spring and soon summer will be upon us.

Have you tried any outdoor activities yet? Gone for a bike run? You should check out Shelby Farms, or the Green line, or try the new Ropes course at Shelby Farms, or check out Nesbit Park (stanky creek) and go for a mountain bike ride.

We train so that you can apply that fitness in your life.  Let’s get out there, enjoy some sunlight, and live some life!

4-9-15 WOD


Back Squat

Met Con:

Wall Balls x 30

KTE / TTB x 30

Double Unders x 30 / Singles x 150

3 rounds for time

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