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Barbell Class Have You Been Checked Off?

We have started a new series of Barbell classes this month.

These classes are specifically designed to set you up for the most success possible doing the barbell lifts.  We are in the process of signing everyone off on their lifts, but we will be moving very soon to not letting anyone lift unless they’ve been signed off on the lifts.

In these classes we go over mobility that will specifically help you with that lift, and we will also go over any specific things we need to do with you personally to ensure your success in the movement.  I highly recommend you make to these classes if you can.

Here is the schedule for the rest of the month:

October 8: Overhead Press

October 10: Push Press

October 13: Push Jerk

October 15: Split Jerk

October 17: Clean + Clean Pulls

October 20: Thruster

October 22: Bench Press

October 24: Snatch

Hope to see you there!


10-7-14 WOD



Met Con:

“Grace” 135lbs/95lbs

30 Clean and Jerks for time

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