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Because of mom….

There when you scraped your knee the first time.

There when things went bump in the night.

There when you got your heart broken the first time.

For all the times your mom was there for you?let?s be there for her.

This Friday or Saturday your WOD buddy can be your mom. 

Just let us know in advance and she can take a class on us, no charge, 

as a way to have you celebrate Mother?s Day.

We?ll show you how to scale the WOD so she can have as much fun as you.

Because when you have something awesome you want to share it with the person 

who loves you most.

Your mom.

See you and your mom this Weekend!

My Mom

5-7-2014 WOD



2 x5; 1 x 5+ (burnout)

Met Con:

Level 3:

Muscle Ups x 3

Sit ups x 10

Double Unders x 20

AMRAP 15 minutes

 Level 2:

Ring dips x 10

Sit ups x 10

Double Unders x 20 or Singles x 100

AMRAP 15 minutes 

Level 1:

Dips / Push ups x 10

Sit ups x 10

Double Unders x 20 or singles x 100

AMRAP 15 minutes