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Being Consistent CrossFit in Memphis

Many people look for a quick and easy fix to their health problems.  They see that Hugh Jackman is doing some super duper program, or Gweneth Paltrow is drinking some special shake.  The truth of the matter is, you probably don’t need a special program.  You probably don’t need to drink some special shake.  Most people just need to be consistent.  That’s the number one problem.  You get gung ho about a program for a week, then you stop going.  You eat well for 3 days, then the weekend comes and you chow down on crap.  Here’s an idea…. make a commitment to yourself, make it public, put it on Facebook, tell a friend, do what you need to do to be consistent.  Make your goal to move 5 days in a week’s time, and eat well for 6 days.  Do that for a month and you will see results.  Just make the commitment and do it.  There is no magic bullet, no secret cure…..hard work, consistency, and commitment is the answer.  That’s it.  Working with people that know what they are doing helps for sure.  They can point you in the correct direction of what to eat, or what to do, but you still have to listen.  You still have to be consistent and do the work.  Are you making a commitment?  Right now?  Make the commitment and tell somebody about it.  Have them hold you accountable, and talk to me in a month and let me know how far you’ve come.


9-12-13 WOD


To be discussed in class.

Met Con:

250m row

30? rest

200m run

30? rest

4 rounds for time