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Being intentional with people

[column type=’two-thirds’]Are you intentional with your treatment of people? If your thoughts and words can have this affect on rice, how do you think your thoughts and words affect people? I think it’s important to be intentional with people. Strive to make their day better. Care about each other, and I believe this will have an enormous impact on them and you.

Let’s even take it one step further…. how do you think thoughts and feelings affect yourself? It’s my belief that negative self talk can be devastating to you.

You have the opportunity with our Upgrade Your Friend Event going on right now to be intentional in positively affecting someone’s life, are you taking advantage?

What do you think? Do you think this being intentional makes a difference with people? or is it total BS? I want to hear your thoughts.[/column][column type=’one-third’ last=’true’]4-11-2014 WOD

Bring a Friend


Members ONLY

Clean & Jerk

Met Con:

Partner 2k row


Lunges x 100 (total)

Push Ups x 100 (total)

Partner MB Sit Ups x 100 (total)

AMRAP 20 minutes[/column]