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Being someone’s catalyst for change….

This past Friday, I did the Running of the Rams 5K with the gym.  More importantly though, I ran it with my daughter….. she’s 4.

She has seen me workout in the past, and she loves to run.  We run all over the place.  We run in the yard. We run down the street.  We run circles in our living room….. in fact one time we ran 1/2 a mile in our living room.  We call it fun runs.  I have been blessed enough and have worked hard enough to be able to keep up with her, but more importantly, by setting the example, she equates exercise to fun.

To me it’s such an epiphany.  If I do something all the time, and work to where I enjoy it, then I can set the example for others.  It doesn’t have to be your children.  Maybe you come to CrossFit Bartlett consistently and you start posting your results on Facebook.  Other people are watching you.  They are checking it out to see what you’re doing.  You are inspiring them even if you don’t know it, and by doing that…. by being their light, you can be a catalyst for their change.

Even if it’s just a mental shift of, ‘well they’re doing it, so maybe I can go for a walk today,’ you’ve done something amazing.  You have literally changed someone’s life for the better.

So my question to you is… what have you done lately to be the catalyst for someone else?  Are you setting the example?  Post comments below!

5-19-2014 WOD


Snatch Balance

Work up to a heavy single then take 

80% 6 x 2

Met Con:

2k row then 1 mile run

for time