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Being Thankful

It’s November, the time of the year when schedules fill up and we start the holiday countdown. Our free time is limited, and it’s easy to let Thanksgiving creep up then fly by without reflecting on how fortunate we are and the blessings we have. Kids usually celebrate or learn about Thanksgiving in some form or fashion in school, but this can quickly be forgotten if the message isn’t driven home… at home.

I encourage you to take some time this month to reflect with your kids. The following activities can be fun for them – and you – and will make your Thanksgiving season much more meaningful.

  • Over dinner each night, have each person mention one thing they are thankful for. Not only will your kids start to appreciate the small things in their lives, but they’ll observe you counting your blessings.
  • Challenge your kids to share something that means a lot to them with someone, whether it’s a friend, stranger or sibling.
  • Look for services opportunities in your area, and designate a ‘family service day’ to reach out to those who are less fortunate than you. VolunteerMatch is a great site that lists opportunities both inside and outside of Memphis.

However you chose to pass the season, take the time to remember exactly what it is we’re celebrating and teach your kids to do the same.


Drew conquers burpees as Star Wars’ Captain Rex on Halloween. Check out more kids photos here!
