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Being Thankful…

By: Justin Emmons

With the Thanksgiving holiday today, I have spent some time thinking about what I am thankful for.  

I know many of you have put your daily thanks on Facebook for November, and it’s nice to read.  Rather than do that, I thought I’d reach out to everyone here and let you know a few things I am thankful for.

First and foremost, I am thankful for my family.  Without my amazing wife’s support and the love I have, and feel for my children, my life just wouldn’t be as awesome as it is right now.

Secondly, I am thankful for our amazing team at CrossFit Bartlett.  From the our coaches, to our support staff, to our volunteers, everyone works hard every day.  They are passionate and awesome with what they do, and truly love everyone that walks through the doors at CFB.  I am truly blessed to have them as a part of my life.

I’m also thankful for the amazing family, community, or clientele that we have at CrossFit Bartlett.  I view each one of them as family, and I appreciate every day, the fact that they have blessed me with the opportunity to positively affect their lives.  

I am also thankful for the fantastic results people get here at CFB.  Our members work very hard for their results and I’m inspired everyday by their efforts.  

Lastly, I’d like to give thanks to everyone who reads this blog.  I know a lot of you read them even though you are not currently clients right now.  I want you to know that when you are out celebrating with your families this holiday season, I will be thinking of you, because I am grateful to have come in contact with each and every one of you.

11-28-13 WOD

4 mile run