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Believing in Yourself…

I found myself doing alot of mental coaching the past couple of weeks.  My job as a coach is obviously to make sure you’re moving safely, effectively, and efficiently, but there’s so much more to it then that.

The next part of our job is much more complex.

It’s our job to push you and make you do the things you think you can’t do.  As a coach this is where we are most valuable.  We see what you’re capable of, and we know what you can do.  The trouble is, most of the time you don’t know what you can do.  You think that you do.  You think you know you’re limits, but the truth is, it’s impossible to know your limits.

The only way to know your limits is to push yourself to the failure point, and this can only be done well with a coach.

So we as coaches, strive hard to get you to believe in yourself, because usually it’s self doubt that gets in the way of results.  So I want to urge you to believe in yourself, and you’ll accomplish much more.  Or if you don’t believe in yourself, at least believe in your coaches, because they will challenge you and help you achieve more.


12-11-14- Guest Days WOD


Front Squat

2 x 5; 1 x 5+

 Met Con:

4 minutes at each station of continuous movement

Rowing for calories


Dumbbell Thrusters

Knees to Elbows

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Partners switch as needed. The score is total number of reps