I just wanted to take this opportunity to talk about a few things coming up on the schedule…..
1) Saturday July 2nd is the end of the Paleo Challenge. ?We will be taking after pictures and we are super excited about seeing all the body changes that you guys have worked on!
2) Sunday July 3rd is our 4th of July party. ?It will be a Paleo Pot luck, so bring a side dish the details can be found by clicking on the upcoming events button on the right side of the webpage.
3) Farmers Market July 9th. ?CrossFit Bartlett has been working very hard in conjunction with the Bartlett Chamber of Commerce in order to bring a Farmer’s Market into our neighborhood. ?We have secured all our permits, and the inaugural Bartlett Station Farmer’s Market will be held in our parking lot!!! July 9th from 7AM-1PM. ?The future of these events are contingent on the success of the first one, so please come!! We have limited the vendors to locally grown or raised products and for the most part everything will be fairly healthy. ?If you want to support local farms etc, please make a showing!
4) COMMUNITY WOD- In conjunction with the farmers market, CFB will be hosting a Community WOD. ?Basically, we will be marketing this and that Saturday July 9th at 10AM anyone and everyone is invited to come do a workout with us. ?If you have friends that want to check out CFB please bring them. ?If you are interested in checking out CFB please come! ?It will be an awesome environment and we are very excited to share a workout experience with anyone is willing to try it that day. ?Please call or email for more information! ?It’ll be an awesome day!!
We are looking forward to the next two weeks and can’t wait to see what’s next! ?What would you like to see at the farmer’s market? ?What would you like to see during the community WOD? Post Comments below!!
Eric working on his jumping! Click here to check out our Flickr photostream!