It’s almost time! Summer has started. Bikini Season is upon us. Are you ready? Are you doing everything in your power to get ready for it? How’s nutrition going? I love when I ask this question. Amazingly, every person’s reply to this question in the gym is, ‘fine.’ If your nutrition is ‘fine’ are you getting the results that you want? Are you ready for bikini season. Did you know that we will go over food journals with you? We will go deeply into nutrition if you’d like. I will even tell you how many grams of each thing to eat per day if you’d like, but it requires the desire on your part to do it. Let’s focus on our nutrition for the month of June and let’s get ready for the season! Are you ready?
6-3-13 WOD
To be discussed in class
Met Con:
Tabata (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest x 8 intervals)
Rowing (calories)
Rowing (calories)
Score is whichever round has the lowest number of reps for each movement series