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CFB Holiday Party?.. CrossFit in Memphis

It happens only once a year.  The world famous CrossFit Bartlett Holiday Party.  Ok, maybe it’s not world famous, but it is world class fun.  Every year, we have an awesome party to come together in celebration.  All year long, we work hard together, sweat together, cuss at each other, make fun of each other, and spend some of our most miserable moments (Fran comes to mind) together.  Now it’s time to celebrate those times.  Kick back, relax, enjoy some great food, enjoy some tasty beverages, and some music.

Here are the details:

Where:  Bartlett Events Center

When: December 14th, 7PM

Why:  Because we are an awesome group to hang out with?. duh!

How much:  $12 per person 

Dates and significant others welcome and encouraged.  18 years old and up.  Pets, although awesome, are not allowed 😉 

Drinks:  Yep, open bar.

Other details: There will be a Dirty Santa / White Elephant gift exchange.  $25 is the price of the gift if you’d like to participate. 

Please RSVP on the sign up sheet on the gym floor, or you can email your primary coach and we can sign you up.

See you there!

12-5-13 WOD

Met Con:

10 x HR push ups

250 m row

20 x kb deadlift

20 min AMRAP