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Coming very soon!!!!

We are excited to be talking about our awesome upcoming event October 18th!

It’s our NFL Combine Event!

WTH is that you may be asking?  Well let me tell you.

Many of us train all the time but we don’t do alot of testing outside of CrossFit testing like Fran, so what we decided to do was create an event where we could do someone else’s athletic tests.

We are going to give you the opportunity to do the same tests you would do if you were a college football player trying to make it in the NFL.

Don’t worry we’ll have scaled versions, but the goal is to see how you’d stack up.

It’s going to be a lot of fun testing our fitness in a different way.  The event is open for everyone and we’re really excited to be offering it to you.

The tests are as follows:

Bench press for continuous reps- The goal here is to see how many reps you can do unbroken at the given weight.  The prescribed weight is 225lbs for men, but we will scale that appropriately

Vertical Leap- how high can you jump.

3 Cone agility drill

Standing broad jump- how far can you jump?

Shuttle run- this is another agility test

You can check more about the tests here! 

Follow the event on Facebook here!

Let’s get as many people as we can to show up to this thing!  It’s going to be a ton of fun!





10-8-14 Wod


Back Squat

Met Con:

Single Arm Dumbbell Walking lunges x 10 each leg

Burpees x 10

Box Jumps x 10 (rebound height)

AMRAP 15 minutes

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