Not every workout is going to be your favorite or your best. Many people come into the gym day in and day out and work really hard. However I do not always seem the same people coming in on a daily basis. Often people will choose the workouts that are easier for them or the ones they like more. This strategy will get you only so far in your fitness journey. Eventually you will notice that you have improved as much as you can only doing your favorites. This means that you will eventually have to start embracing the things you hate to do, whether they are OHS or running.
Coming in consistently day in and day out whether you like the WOD or not will take you further than anything else. You do not have to perform spectacularly every time and you do not have to be on top of the white board at the end of the day. You just have to show up and work hard. Everyday come in and give the WOD your best. Try as hard as you can and push yourself past what you think you can do. If you do that you will see awesome results. So i challenge you no matter how many times you come to the gym in a week.Try and set up a schedule and stick to it. The more consistent you are the more consistent your results will be. Do you ever find it hard to be consistent?
-Chris aka TI
Drew working on his sumo deadlift high pulls! Click here for more pics on Flickr!