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CrossFit for Hope This Saturday!

This Saturday will be our CrossFit for Hope Fundraising workout!  This fundraiser collects money in order to help find cures for childhood catastrophic diseases.  One of it’s main beneficiaries is St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.  This hospital is in our backyard, and treats thousands of kids.  CrossFit for Hope is for a phenomenal cause.  For those of you who don’t know, one of our members at CFB has a child being treated at St. Jude.  We are extremely excited to be able to help in anyway possible.  Please consider registering with our team, doing the workout, and let’s help St. Jude find a cure.

Register and find out more about the world wide effort here!

7-1-13 WOD


To be discussed in class

Met Con:

‘Death by 10m’

EMOM traverse a 10m stretch.  The first minute you do 1, the second minute you do 2, the third minute you do 3… until you can not finished the allotted number of runs within the 60 second time frame.