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Do you create great art?

What we do here at CFB is create art.  We are artists.  What does that mean?  Nobody tells us how to run things.  Nobody tells us what is the best way to do things.  In fact, there is no such thing as a manual of what is the BEST.  Just like there is no such manual on what is the BEST art.  Art speaks differently to different people.  Some people love it, and some people hate it.  Great art, at the very least will keep your attention, and can even make you want to change your life.

We’ve helped hundreds of people here change their lives for the better.  We’ve put together a program that appeals to different people differently, but still manages to create life change.  We strive to develop a program that keeps people engaged, excited, motivated, and progressing.  Our goal is to create great art.  We are passionate about our art.  We work hard on developing our art, and we love it.

What’s your art?  Are you an artist?  Do you strive to create something great?  If not, why not?  If you could, what would you do?  Think about that answer the question in the comments and then go and create your art!



To be discussed in class:

Met Con:

Atomic Sit ups x 20

 Double Unders x 50 or singles x 200 

 AMRAP 15 minutes