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Do You Have Struggles?

Ha of course you do.  We all do.  I struggle every day.  We all have issues that we deal with every day.  It’s not about the issues that we have.  It’s about the decisions that we make to deal with those issues.

Make a decision today that even though you struggle it’s going to be ok because everyone struggles.  Decide today not how you feel about the struggles, not that you are defeated by your struggles, but rather what are you going to do to about them?  What are you going to do to make your struggles a non issue?  Post comments below!


5-29-14 WOD


Front Squat

2 x 5; 1 x 5+ (burnout)

Met Con:

Wall Ball x 10

Hang Power Clean x 10 (unbroken weight)

TTB/KTE x 10

AMRAP 15 minutes

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