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Do You Say You Can’t?

How often do you say the words, ‘I can’t’ ?  Is that a regular part of your vocabulary?

If so, I’d check this out.  This is absolutely amazing.




9/12/2014 WOD


OHS (Overhead Squat)

Met Con:

30 seconds of work 30 seconds rest for 8 intervals of each movement.

Alternate each round between movements.

Example: 30 seconds of deadlft, 30s rest, then 30s of burpees, 30s of rest that’s one round.

Deadlift at 50% of your max



9/12/14 Bells & Balls / Beginners Class


Wall Squat therapy/mobility work/pvc pipe (develop OHS)

Met Con:

30 seconds of work 30 seconds rest for 8 intervals of each movement.

Alternate each round between movements.

Example: 30 seconds of KB/DB deadlift, 30s rest, then 30s of burpees, 30s of rest that’s one round.

KB/DB Deadlift at adjust weight as needed


Try to move for the whole 30 seconds. It’s a go hard then a rest and recovery type workout here.

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