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Do You Set Goals?

The amazing Zig Ziglar talks about setting goals.  Setting goals are critical for your success in ANYTHING.  This is an old video but the information is timeless…..

Take notes!

What do you do when you set goals? Do you follow these steps?


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9/26/2014 WOD


Snatch Balance

Met Con:

Box Jumps x 5 (high)

KB Swings x 7 (Heavy)

Burpees x 9

AMRAP 12 minutes


9/26/14 Bells & Balls / Beginner Class


DB Push Jerk

4 x 5 (adjust weight as needed)

Met Con:

Box Jumps x 5

KB Swings x 7

Burpees x 9

AMRAP 12 minutes

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