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Doing Your Part

Recently, we have implemented a new idea.  Personalized pipelines for people based off of what their goals are.  Anyone who is 3 x a week or higher, is getting weekly homework assignments given to them in order to expedite their journey towards their goals. 

We already offer an exceptional program and hundreds of people have gotten results at CFB, so this wasn’t something we needed to do. In fact, it’s actually quintupled the work we are doing for you guys.  The video that came out at the beginning of this week actually took about 20 hours of dedicated work to film, edit, and produce.  That being said, I’m not complaining about it.  I am super excited to do it, because we are in the business of changing people’s lives and getting people amazing results!

What I am writing about is the lack of commitment on many of our clients part.  We are handing out personalized nutrition recommendations down to the gram of each macro nutrient you should eat daily on training and non training days.  In order to do that, we need to know how much you weigh…… that’s it.  Send me an email with your weight.  Out of all the people on our program 60 people have not sent me their weight yet.  Really guys?!?!  We are busting our hump here to get you results, you have to meet me half way!  Many people have not watched the videos or started yet.  Many people have not read the homework assignments.  Make an effort here.  We are strapping you to a rocket ship to get you results that you say you want, you have to do your part to make it happen!  

Don’t pay lip service, commit and see what happens….. you’ll be glad you did!

6-26-13 858

7-18-13 WOD


To be discussed in class

Met Con:

Burpees x 10 

Ring Dips x 10 

Deadlifts x 10 

4 rounds for time