By Justin Emmons
In business many times we view life in quarters of the year. We set yearly goals, then break them down by quarter, then break them down by month, then day, then hour. We start with a huge chunk and then break it into manageable chunks. A quarter is a long enough time to set some large goals, but also enough time to do something about them.
Many times we view fitness the same way. In our program we have what’s called Meso and Micro cycles. These can be chunked from yearly, to quarterly, or 6-8 week chunks. We set a goal, then we try to accomplish that goal, then we test, and make adjustments…..
Do you treat your fitness like this? Do you treat your life like this? Do you set goals large goals, then chunk it down into manageable chunks. Many of you set New Year’s resolutions right? Did you break it down? It’s the end of Q1 how are you doing on your resolutions? Did you know that 50% of resolutions fail within the first 30 days?
If you need help with goal setting talk to your primary coach. This is something we do for you for FREE. We want to see you succeed, so let’s sit down and set some new goals, and get you to yours.
What are your large goals? What are your Q2 goals? Post in comments below.
4/1/2014 WOD
Overhead Press
Met Con:
Push Press x 10 (Fran weight)
Pull Ups x 10
5 rounds for time