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ET Talking to the Miami Dolphins

I talked about it yesterday in what’s your purpose.  I talked about my purpose.  Did you think of yours?  Listen to ET break it down for the Miami Dolphins.  This guy fires me up.  Every morning I listen to him, and if you want to be successful I think it’d benefit you as well.  What’s your why?  Why do you do what you do?

TGIF.  Set yourself up for success next week.  We have our Success Track class at 10:30AM.  Come listen to me talk about mobility, injury prevention, and general body maintenance in our Overdrive class.

Have a great day!


10-25-2013 WOD


To be discussed in class:

Met Con:

Dumbbell Push Press x 5

Dumbbell Man Eaters x 5

Dumbbell Walking Lunges x 5 each leg

50 meter run

6 rounds for time

15 minute time cut off