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Facing Objections….

Have you been talking to your 3 people?  Have you moved on to others because the original 3 are giving you excuses?  Have you heard this before?….’I could never do that,’ or, ‘You’re crazy,’ or ‘It’s too hard for me.’  I know you have.  We feel your pain we get the same things.  Here’s some responses for you.

CrossFit is based off of what you can do.  It doesn’t matter where you are now, it only matters where you are going.  The choices that you’ve made up this point have gotten you to where you are now.  The choices that you make from this point forward can change the rest of your life.  

CrossFit Bartlett is for, anyone who wants results, anyone who is tired of just being average, anyone who wants to upgrade their life.

See you in the gym!




To be discussed in class:

Met Con:

Level 3 / Level 2

GHD Sit ups x 50

 Double Unders x 50

 Thrusters x 50 (barbell)

 Double Unders x 50

Burpees x 50

For time

Level 1 / Beginner

GHD Sit ups x 30

 Double Unders x 30 / Singles x 100

Thrusters x 50 (barbell)

 Double Unders x 30 / Singles x 100

Burpees x 30

For time