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Feel the Love February!

Hey guys, it’s February.  You know what that means….

Valentine’s day, and dates, and chocolates, and all the stuff that we do for Valentine’s day.  We at CrossFit Bartlett have decided to take this opportunity to devote the entire month of sharing and feeling the love.  What we want you to do…..

Create a ‘Feel the Love’ box and place it on the table.

Then throughout the entire month of February, we, as in CFB, will put treats in your box.  

We will also draw names once a week and award a prize to one of the lucky box owners.

Trust me, you want these prizes, they’re good…. they are NOT burpees ! 

Also, we want CFB members to drop nice notes in other people’s boxes….. think elementary school!

Tell somebody how awesome they are doing at the gym, or that you like their friendship.  It’ll be a lot of fun.

Have a happy February!

2-3-14 WOD


To be discussed in class

Met Con:

 2K Row

 50 Burpees

 1K Row

 for time