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Feel the Love Week 2015 Crossfit in Memphis

This week is our Feel The Love Event leading up to Valentine’s Day!!! This is your opportunity to spread the news and share the CFB experience will all your friends. From Today through the end of the week, you can bring as many friends to as many classes as you’d like.  We are excited to have fun and we want to share this even with as many people possible. The more the merrier! Let’s pack the house and have a great week! Here’s a link to our Facebook Event Page if you want to go to it and share it on your wall with your friends! 

2/9/2015 WOD Strength: Back Squat Met Con: Advanced Rope Climb x 2 Deadlift x 10 (75%) 500m row 3 rounds for time Intermediate Rope Climb x 1 or Cargo climb x 1 Deadlift x 10 (75%) 500m row 3 rounds for time  Beginner Cargo climb x 1 or dead hang chinup x 10 Deadlift x 10 (75%) 500m row 3 rounds for time


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