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Friends and Family Matter….

You changed your life through a program that you fell in love with here.  When fitness is fun and shared with friends and family it breeds an even more amazing community, and an environment for personal growth.

We want you to feel comfortable sharing your experiences with your friends and family and you are always invited to bring them in for a workout with you as a guest.  It means a lot to us to know that you come in and work hard day in and day out scheduling your training around your work, family, kids, life and other priorities.  We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you and help you accomplish your goals.  It’s a great honor for us when you share our program with your friends and family.

The cooler part…. you can be the reason that someone else changed their life too!  Have you brought a friend lately?  Let us know when you want to bring them and we’ll get you set up.


7-22-2014 WOD


Front Squat

1 x 8; 1 x 8+(burnout)

Back Squat

1 x 20

Met Con:

Clean & Jerk x 3@75% of 1 rep max

DU x 30 / Singles x 100

5 rounds for time