This weekend is Easter. In observance of that weekend we have decided to close Saturday March 30th. In lieu of a Saturday workout we are having a large event Friday night. We plan on participating in the Open workout. If you were here for the Luau you know how awesome that event was! This time we will be celebrating Friday night beginning at 5:30PM the event is called the Frosty Friday Throwdown. After the workout feel free to BYOB hang out and enjoy some time with friends! It should be a great event! Also, since Friday is Good Friday, Highpoint Church is having an 8PM service if you’d like to go to that. We are trying to get some people together to go, it should be great! If you are interested let me know!
Have a great week!
3-25-13 WOD
Back Squat
2 x 5; 1 x 5+
Bench Press
2 x 5; 1 x 5+
Met Con:
Level 3
Snatch x 2 (heavy touch and go)
Box Jumps x 4
Push Ups x 6
30? rest
8 rounds for time
Level 2/ Level 1
HH Snatch x 2
Box Jumps x 4
Push ups x 6
30? rest
7 rounds for time
OHS x 3
Box Jumps x 4
Push ups x 6
30? rest
8 rounds for time