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Getting Back On The Wagon…

Alright guys,

I get it.  We had a small vacation.  We ate some turkey, and stuffing, and yams, and pumpkin pie, and (insert whatever crap for you food you ate this week).  It was a good time with family.  Some fun times were had.  

Now it’s time to get back on the wagon.  It’s time to, as we say in the deep south, hunker down.  Put your nose to the grind stone.  We’ve got a few weeks left until the new year.  

Let’s get a grip on our habits now, so we don’t have to set New Year’s Resolutions.  Let’s fit into our ‘skinny’ clothes at the New Year’s Eve party.  Get back on the wagon.  Follow some good nutrition, train hard for a couple more weeks, then enjoy the rest of the holidays.

PS: Don’t forget about the schedule change this week.  Friday evening and Saturday morning, the gym will be closed.  We will be open for limited hours Sunday to make up for the closures.

Also, get ready for our Christmas party coming up on the 14th.  Tickets are $12, you won’t want to miss the shenanigans!  Dress is semi-formal, with a Dirty Santa gift exchange


12-2-13 WOD


Front Squat


Met Con:

Box Jumps x 10

KB Swings x 10 (Heavy)

Pull Ups x 10

AMRAP 12 minutes