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Getting Dialed In

This past week we spent a lot of time visiting other gyms.  I know you thought we were partying it up, but we were actually working for most of the trip.  We visited and spent time with a ton of very successful gyms and their owners.  All the while we were focusing on what we could do better to have a better business both for our customers and for us.  What most of these gyms had in common was that they had their stuff dialed in.  What do I mean by that?  I mean that they had systems established and in place to reduce friction and make their gyms run smoother and better.  Their staff were dialed in and hyper-focused on running the processes.  The owners were dialed in and knew the processes inside and out.  

I personally struggle with systems.  That’s where I fall short, and it affects our business. It affects your life in general if you are not dialed in.  Do you want to be the fittest?  Are their systems in place to help you be dialed in?  Is your nutrition dialed in?  Are their systems in place to make that happen?  Establish systems to help you succeed and dial it in and that will help you be more successful.


8-1-13 WOD


To be discussed in class

Met Con:

Box Jumps x 5

Thrusters x 15

Box Jumps x 10

Thrusters x 10

Box Jumps x 15

Thrusters x 5

for time